Inline Speed Skating Boots with Metal Flake

inline speed skating boots with metal flake

Metal Flake Magic on Custom Inline Speed Skating Boots

Our customer, a speed skating enthusiast, used our Metal Flake to create a unique, eye-catching finish on their custom inline speed skates.

“Great products! I am glad that I found your site. Here is one of the pairs of footwear (inline speed skates) that I have used the metal flake on. I will continue to purchase! I am using PPG clear, its available at the shop right around the corner from me. Here are a few pictures of more boots I just finished…. Jimmy Blair II. Pinnacle Custom Footwear. Hand built in USA, and providing all of your skating needs!”

At Pearls and Pigment, we are proud to provide a versatile range of products for all custom projects. Just like Jimmy, you can achieve professional results with our Candy Color Pearls, Metallic Paint Flake, and True Chameleon pigments, in addition to our Thermochromics and Glow In The Darks. Be inspired and explore our customer testimonials and share your own unique projects by contacting us!

Our pigments are also perfect for vehicle dip and we were the first company to supply the dip community with a variety of pigments, and the pioneers to introduce Plasti Dip Pearls to the world.

Ready to create something unique? Shop with us – the leader in paint and Pearl Pigments since 2005.


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July 11, 2015