Exploring Custom Powder Coating with Green Shimmer Ghost Pearl
One of our customers is experimenting with a new powder coating process for a custom bike project and using our Green Shimmer Ghost Pearl. He’s wondering how it will work compared to using it with clear coat.
Green Shimmer Ghost ZX12
We talked a little while ago I have the white with green shimmer zx12 you posted on your face book page. I’m doing a new build and doing a powder coated frame swingarm and wheels in lime green. I’m wanting to put the green shimmer I used last time in the powder coating but I’ve never powder coated before and don’t know how the green shimmer would look on or mixed in lime green powder coating. Is the green ghost shimmer going to have the same look in the lime green powder coating as it did in the clear I did on the white zx12 Thanks
At Pearls and Pigment we love to see customers explore the different uses of our products. Our Candy Color Pearls, Metallic Paint Flake, and True Chameleon pigments as well as our Thermochromics, and Glow In The Darks all offer creative options for your custom projects. Browse our customer testimonials and contact us to share your results with us!
Our products are also ideal for vehicle dip, where we were the first company to bring custom pigments to the dip community and were also the pioneers to introduce Plasti Dip Pearls to the world.
Ready to get started? Shop with us… the leader in paint and Pearl Pigments Since 2005