Fire Red Metal Flake Caprice

Customer Painted a Caprice with Fire Red and Happy with results.

Custom 1991 Caprice Paint Job with Fire Red Metal Flake

One of our customers used our Fire Red micro metal flake over a black base coat to create this stunning custom paint job on their ’91 Caprice.

I must say i am very pleased with the results i got from using your micro fire red metal flake, here are some pics of my 91 caprice (fire red) i used a black base and three coats of clear following the maximum recommended 2 tsp per quart, then i topped it with a generous final clear. I will be sending some pics of my 78 cutlass (emerald green) when its done. thanks a lot, A.G.

At Pearls and Pigment we are always happy to showcase what our customers are creating with our products. Our Candy Color Pearls, Metallic Paint Flake, and True Chameleon pigments along with our Thermochromics, and Glow In The Darks all offer versatile and creative options. Check out more inspiring projects at our customer testimonials and contact us to share your own!

Our products can also be used in vehicle dip. We were the first company to supply a wide variety of custom pigments to the dip community and are the pioneers of introducing Plasti Dip Pearls to the world.

Ready to get started on your own custom paint project? Shop with us – the leader in paint and Pearl Pigments Since 2005


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April 30, 2015